“Doğrular’ın Cesur Çocukları” Gülümsemeleri İle İçleri Isıttı
  • Aug 9, 2022, 11:53:03 PM

“The Brave Children of Doğrular” Warmed Hearts with Their Smiles

The circumcision feast, which we, Dogrular Ev Urunleri A.S., organize every five years, was held at the Atiker Delux Wedding Hall with the children of the Doğrular personnel between the ages of 0-14, their families and more than 5 thousand participants.

“The Brave Children of Doğrular” Warmed Their Hearts With Their Smiles

The circumcision feast, which we, Dogrular Ev Urunleri A.S., organize every five years, was held at the Atiker Delux Wedding Hall with the children of the Doğrular personnel between the ages of 0-14, their families and more than 5 thousand participants. While the circumcision tour was carried out with the double-decker bus, many activities such as popcorn treat, face painting took place, and various gifts were presented to the children. The brave smiles of the “Brave Children” warmed the hearts of those who saw them. We would like to thank the Mayor of Meram, Mustafa KAVUŞ, the Mayor of Karatay, Hasan KILCA and all the participants who did not leave us alone and accompanied us in this enjoyable feast.

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